Welcome to the Delta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi!
A Letter From Our President

My name is Peyton Knope and I have the honor and privilege to serve as the 2025 Chapter President for Alpha Delta Pi- Delta Sigma at Ole Miss. I can’t seem to find the words to express my gratitude for this chapter and our home at 607 Rebel Drive.
I grew up in Greenville, South Carolina with my loving parents and two brothers. While having two brothers was wonderful, I often found myself longing for the bond of a sisterhood. To fill that gap, I found my “sisters” in my seven childhood best friends. When we eventually went our separate ways to college, I was determined to recreate that same sense of belonging. This desire led me to sign up for formal recruitment in search of a new sisterhood and a home away from home.
Going through recruitment was of course a nerve-wracking process, but whenever I walked into Alpha Delta Pi, the nerves instantly washed away. It was hard to believe that one week could determine my next four years of college, but in trusting the process, you truly do end up where you belong. I am so thankful I found Alpha Delta Pi and that these women continue to see something in me I had not yet seen in myself.
So far, I have been able to serve my chapter in numerous ways. Last year, for example, I served as the Director of Philanthropy. The spirit and love Delta Sigma has for the Ronald McDonald House Charities and Alpha Delta Pi Foundation is unlike anything I have ever experienced before! Their servant hearts are a constant reminder of the good that surrounds us.
Alpha Delta Pi is more than the big white house on Rebel Drive. It is more than just a sorority.
Alpha Delta Pi is a lifelong bond of sisterhood. We have members from all over the United States, from all different backgrounds taking pride in embodying our motto, "We Live for Each Other." Our members, our sisters, our littles and bigs, officers, executive leadership team, and advisors, have shown me just how much that motto reigns true.
The Delta Sigma chapter has led me not just who I am now, but to who I can become. It has shown me how I can be kind, confident, and brave. It has shown me the selflessness, support, and compassion that truly defines sisterhood. I hope as you immerse yourself in our chapter through our website, social media, and by talking to our members, you can feel even just a touch of how special our home is and what it means to us.
Peyton Knope
Chapter President
Connect With Delta Sigma!
Instagram: @olemissadpi
607 Rebel Drive
University, MS, 38677
TikTok: @olemissadpiii